Saturday, September 10, 2011

Feeling Blue??

Well join the club! I am feeling a little sick and would greatly appreciate a nap! But alas, the store is open for an hour and a half more so I shall not nap, merely go to bed SUPER early.

Since I am feeling a little down, I decided to write a post about happy things.
Ok, that wording sounded ridiculous.
But you get the point!

Here are some things that usually make me happy:

1. Urban Decay Make Up. Something about those bright beautiful colors make me so happy! Here's the pallette I want REAAALLLYYY bad....

Isn't it beautiful??!!

2. Presents make me happy! I love to give presents and get them! Some people get embarassed when they are handed a gaudily wrapped prezzy but not me!!

3. Diet Dr. Pepper. Mainly from 7/11. Does a soul good.
That's an actual picture of me. With my dream Diet Dr. Pepper. Hahaha. By the way, the best snacks to eat with a Diet Dr. Pepper are Hot Cheetos and Sweetarts!!!

4. What is not making me happy is the radio station I'm supposed to listen to at work is playing "Bad Day."
You know the song. It's the original "Friday" by Rebecca Black.
It's pretty stinking annoying to me.
Good news is, the singer of "Bad Day" was a one hit wonder.
*Insert evil and slightly spiteful laugh here*

5. Watching romantic comedies. I usually have a good cry abou the sad sad state of my love life and then feel much better when I emerge from my self-pitying state!

Well, that's all for now!! Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow after a hot shower and a good night's sleep!

Hot cheetos and hot showers, With all my love, Morgan

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