Tuesday, August 23, 2011

True Tuesdays

I'm not sure what to write about because I'm feeling really uninspired. Probably because I have sat through some mind numbing classes today.

"Bonjour! Je m'appelles Morgan. Je ne suis francaise? Non, je ne suis Americaine!"

This is what I learned in French class though! I feel pretty spiffy about it, I won't lie.
Pretty sure I have that in correct form...haha.

I'm going to post some of my favorite things, since it's True Tuesday! Yeah, I just made that up, so what??

Ok y'all, my favorite nail polish is...

Minted by Revlon...or anything by Revlon! Great polish and a great price.

Hair Accessories....

Rosie the Riveter head scarves! Covers a bad hair day or the greasies...super easy to do. Poof your bangs, pin back your excess hair and tie the scarf. Bobby pin in place.

Hair MUST have...
Tresemme Dry Shampoo! Time Saver and color saver!

Oh, and this picture of my best friend, Matt

Love you, Matty!! Lol

Ok everyone, I won't lie, I'm exhausted! This was a very long day!
With all my love, Morgan

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