Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I'm a Big Loser...

For not posting anything in a while!
In my defense though, I was in the history-filled San Antonio, Texas!!
I was able to go because Southwest Airlines had their 40th anniversary and I was able to buy tickets for my sister and myself for RIDICULOUSLY cheap! Plus, my best friend in the entire world lives there! He joined the Air Force after high school and that is where he was stationed. Matt and I used to date, but now he is one of the only people I feel comfortable really talking to. Anywho, Matt is being transferred to Aviano Air Base in North Italy in a few months so I wanted us to hang out for a good amount of time before he left for Italy for 3 YEARS!!!
Anyway, I'll post pictures later from the trip, but I'll break down what we did.

Friday, August 26th.
Madison and I pack after my little family birthday celebration.
Why, yes, we are procrastinators!

Saturday, August 27th.
5 a.m. I wake up to get ready. We have to leave at the buttcrack of dawn.
7:35 a.m. Plane takes off! We joke about people actually using the doggie bags. "Oh, flight attendent! I have a prezzy for you!!" Maddie gets "plane sick," which is a thing apparently. Nearly pukes.
8:30 (ish) Land at Dallas Love Field. Eat some Mickey D's. aw yeah.
9:30 (ish) Plane takes off to San Antonio! Maddie is still feeling sick :(
10:35 Plane lands and thank goodness! Nothing worse than having a nauseus (sp.) person sitting next to you! Bonus: No one sits by somebody who might vomit, though!

But this blog is feeling a bit long...tune back in tomorrow (or later, if I feel like it!!) for more scoop on our mini-cation!

Empty doggie bags and lovely flights, with all my love, Morgan

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Just Had To Show You...

A sample picture of my gorgeous sister's senior pictures taken by the VERY talented Brandon Burton Photography. I love them; it's a husband and wife team and they are so awesome.

Love it!!! On a side note, all copyrights to Brandon Burton Photography. I do not own this picture, and do not claim to. I simply like to brag! Haha
I love getting to do my sisters' hair and make up and this was one of my favorites.
I'll probably post more later today, but I didn't want to forget to post this!

Ok, y'all! It is 10:45 at night and I wanted to tell you about my day. I had to calm down before I wrote about this.
Here's the Story: So, I'm working at the store and a lady and her daughter come in. Fast forward through some slightly awkward conversation, the "mom" in the situation proceeds to make a comment about how "Fat people just need to lose weight!" and when I said, "As long as they are exercising and trying to be healthy, I don't care what size you are." (I'm thinking, HELLLOOOO? Plus size models??) And she says, "Well it's just not acceptable to be an XL." I end the conversation and she thankfully drops it. That was REALLY uncomfortable for me. Like, I wanted her to leave. Then she goes on to say how my store is unoriginal and needs to be more like (insert store she suggested here.) Now, I won't lie, the worst part of working in retail is not being able to say what you really want to say.

My View: Ok, I honestly don't know why she thinks I would ever agree with her statement on people being too "fat" if they're an XL or bigger. Some people look GREAT with some weight. And as long as you're making sure your heart is healthy, I couldn't care less if you're an XS or a Triple X! Lots of beautiful women are not size 0's, like this woman and her daughter are. Plus, it's not like I'm super tiny. I'm anywhere from a 7 to a 9 depending on the store! I truly believe it's better to take care of your body than worry about being a certain size.

Crystal Renn, anyone?? She's plus size AND gorgeous!

Also, I'm not making you stay in my store. I love where I work. I've been there since it's opening so it's like I've watched it grow up. I may not own it, but I still feel a responsibility to it. Don't insult the store; if you
don't like it then leave! That goes for people's size; if you don't like it, don't look at it. Simple as that.

Moral of the Story: Don't make inappropriate conversation with the store clerk. I've dealt with perverts, rude and snobby, and just plain mean. And come on people. There are so many medical reasons people have a hard time losing weight. Polycistic ovaries, for instance. My friend Savannah is very thin naturally; I think she MAYBE wears a 3. And she couldn't gain weight if she tried. It's the same thing for heavier people.

So the next time you want to make fun of people, go talk to a person you know will agree.
Because I can guarantee your retail clerk won't.

Sorry for the rant everyone, but some things I just have to say! I promise for something a little more light hearted tomorrow!
With all my love, Morgan

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

True Tuesdays

I'm not sure what to write about because I'm feeling really uninspired. Probably because I have sat through some mind numbing classes today.

"Bonjour! Je m'appelles Morgan. Je ne suis francaise? Non, je ne suis Americaine!"

This is what I learned in French class though! I feel pretty spiffy about it, I won't lie.
Pretty sure I have that in correct form...haha.

I'm going to post some of my favorite things, since it's True Tuesday! Yeah, I just made that up, so what??

Ok y'all, my favorite nail polish is...

Minted by Revlon...or anything by Revlon! Great polish and a great price.

Hair Accessories....

Rosie the Riveter head scarves! Covers a bad hair day or the greasies...super easy to do. Poof your bangs, pin back your excess hair and tie the scarf. Bobby pin in place.

Hair MUST have...
Tresemme Dry Shampoo! Time Saver and color saver!

Oh, and this picture of my best friend, Matt

Love you, Matty!! Lol

Ok everyone, I won't lie, I'm exhausted! This was a very long day!
With all my love, Morgan

Monday, August 22, 2011

Boomer!! Sooner!!

Lordy Lordy Lordy! What a day!! My sister and I went to tour the University of Oklahoma and it was a looonnngggg day. It is truly a beautiful campus and I loved looking around and seeing how exciting a big university can be. Plus, FREE T-SHIRTS, BABAY!!! However, I feel like I may be a small campus kind o' gal, so we shall see!

One of the gates to OU...I was going to take pictures of Maddie and me, but it was TOO DANG HOT!!!

Probably one of my biggest pet peeves is people who treat other people like crap, specifically in Retail. Here's my story.
So, my good friend is getting married. She is almost 20 and I'll admit she's pretty young to be getting married, but she is happy and her fiance is a great guy. One bad thing is she looks about, oh, 13! She is so tiny and baby-faced! When we went to David's Bridal to try on the bridesmaid dresses, (which we had already picked it out, just needed to find sizes) the ladies at the front seemed completely unwilling to help us! We had to practically bust down the door to get a dressing room and the check out lady was much nicer when she thought I was the bride! But it's not like I look old; I've been stopped at the middle school I sub at and asked for hall passes!

Moral of my story: Don't be rude to people just because you're terrible. I get it, you have bad days. I worked in a flippin' Walgreens and now a boutique so I know rude people are out there! But don't treat my friends and me bad just because we're 20 and under! My money spends just like everyone else's.

Oh!! Some pictures from yesterday...No pics from Maddie's photo shoot yet!
My littlest sister, MacKenzie and I!

Wish me luck tomorrow...first day back to college since summer classes!
Boomer and Sooner, with all my love, Morgan

Sunday, August 21, 2011

7/11 and 5 Inch Heels

Hey Everyone!!

Last night I had a hard time getting to sleep and I thought of all sorts of good subjects I could write about! But then I eventually fell asleep and now I can't remember any of them! Hahah!

So, I live in Small Town, Oklahoma where the biggest thing around here is going to the lake on the weekends and getting a half off drink at the local Sonic during Happy Hour. (Which is, by the way, inferior to 7/11!!)  My friends, family and sometimes random strangers, would describe me as the most over dressed person in the room! This was hard in high school because style was considered Miss Me Jeans and Sinful shirts.(I think I was over all of that stuff by the 8th grade hahaha). I mean, I was the annoying kid who actually wore leg warmers and checker board Vans because I greatly believed in the return of the 80's!

I went through a big phase in the 7th grade where I desperately tried to fit in, but I didn't have the money. I tried to get Abercrombie and Fitch shirts and Hollister jeans, but more often than not I had found these things at Uptown Thrift and Goodwill! By the 8th grade, I fell in with a not-so-good crowd. One good thing to come out of it was the change of clothing. While I was still following my friends, who wore more "punk" and "wanna be goth" clothes, for once I was trying out different styles!

When I got to high school, my love of fashion and history and vintage pieces started coming together. To my freshman formal I wore an awesome Audrey Hepburn type dress and I LOVED it!! I still have it! Ha ha!

The point of all this typing and reading is to say, even if you're from the smallest 6A school in the state of Oklahoma, don't be afraid to be the most over dressed person in the room! So what if I wear leopard booties and skinnies to Wal-Mart? Guarantee you've seen stranger things there! I wear what I like and even though I may feel self-conscious getting my Diet Dr. Pepper at 7/11 in 5 inch wedges, I try to always stay true to myself and my own fashion choices!

Tomorrow I'll update about my sister's senior pictures and the tour of the University of OK!!

With booties and Goodwill,
Love Morgan

Saturday, August 20, 2011

First Post EVAH!

Hello everyone! My name is Morgan, and I love make up and subbing middle school! I've been a freelance make up and hair artist for a year...I basically want to say, I have no credentials, like a license, to be a cosmotologist. I probably even spelled that wrong. I simply have a lot of experience. I just want that to be clear. As I write this blog, I will probably include beauty tips, but I have no professional opinion behind them, just my opinions on things!

Also, I know that subbing does not make me an expert on teaching kids!
It is my goal to not only write about beauty and my experiences as a make up artist, but to write about my life and others who inspire me. I don't want this to be a vapid blog at all.

With that said, welcome to my blog and I hope to have a lot to share!

With lots of love, Morgan