Thursday, February 23, 2012

I Suffer From Foot In Mouth Disease.

It was a good day...
Until I took my foot and shoved it all the way into my mouth and all the way down to my stomach.
Sorry for the gross visuals, but I just have to illustrate how embarassed I feel!
So here's the deal: Just don't ever say anything that could taken as hurtful about ANYONE.
I just did this today. I didn't say it mean heartedly, but when the "messenger" told the woman what I said, it came out sounding so mean. Which basically means that I hurt the feelings of the sweetest woman on this planet. Even sweeter than my grandma!!
So remember, and this seems pretty basic, don't say anything about anyone that you wouldn't say to their face. It will get back to them and you will have to own up to it.
Good job me.

On a good note, I finally feel better. I was sick the past couple days. No bueno!
Also, I will probably get to walk in May with my Associate's in History. I won't get my diploma until after I take two summer classes. Well, actually three. A Physical Ed class, a science with no lab class and Eurpean history from 1500-1815!
I have to get a degree audit but hopefully I can apply for graduation soon!!

Well, off to pull my foot out of my mouth! I have to wax these brows and dye my roots tonight...they joys of being a female!
With all my love, and my now silent lips, Morgan

A picture to live my life by hahahaha

Saturday, February 18, 2012

I Don't Like to Make Plans

Well, that probably sounds kinda weird now doesn't it?
I mean, who doesn't like to?
Because everytime I plan for something, God just changes my plans completely.
I thought I didn't want to go to school so I could follow a boy to Texas?
Yeah, right, said God...and my parents haha.
I thought I would go to hair school?
I think I'm going to Tulsa this weekend?
Not gonna happen!!

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm so glad God has the master plan.
It stresses me out just thinking about my future!
I go back and forth with it:
Do I want to get married and have kids and just raise a family?
Do I want to stay single for a while?
Not that it's even an option right now since my hiatus from dating life, but still, you get the point.
Do I want to go back to school right after esthetician school and pursue my Bachelor's in Social Studies Education? Or do I want to try to make it as a make up artist?
It's a very confusing and busy time in my life right now, which is why I rarely update this thing haha, but I am so grateful to know that as long as I try to follow God's plan, everything will work out fine.
It may not seem like it at the time, but in the end all will be well.
Off to make myself NOT drop one of my 18 hours worth of classes!
Have a great evening everyone,
With all my love, Morgan

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Valentine's Day

While it is definitely easy to get all bummed out this time of year, I want to encourage you and give you a good Valentine's Day!
First of all, yes, it sucks to be single on V-Day. Duh, we all know that.
Now get over it.
You know what makes me feel so much better about it?
The fact that allll the candy will be on sale on the 15th!!!
It's true, save your chocolate craving for the day after.
When I worked at a Walgreens, it went 50% off the day after, and I think most places are the same way.
Also, you can take this oppurtunity to wear pink and red together and no one can say a darn thing!
Plus, you can have dresses like these!!!
This one says it's red, but it doesn't look very red to me.
Still amazing!!

This one is from ModCloth...super cute.

This one is only $24.80 from Forever 21!

So, that's all folks!
Maybe I'll do some date night beauty here soon!
Have a beautiful night!
With all my love, Morgan

Friday, February 3, 2012

A Day in the Life of Morgan...

Went a Little Something Like This!
6:51 a.m.: Hear my sister's chihuahua's jingle bell collar. Realizing I woke up 20 minutes late to sub.
6:52 a.m.: Aw, heck yeah! Cinnamon rolls for MacKenzie's 14th birthday! (HAPPY BIRTHDAY KENZ!!)
8:00 to 2:40: Subbing! We had a short assignment, then played the "laughing game," "7-Up," and Hangman.
I love subbing for English, because I can actually help them.
Oh, inbetween all that, I checked out MacKenzie and Trey so we could get some lunch for Kenz's birthday.
3:15 p.m.: I call back the casting guy for a car show/fashion show.
 (Weird combo, I know, but that's what it is hahaha)
I e-mail him all my pin up style make up looks and he LOVES THEM!!!
I was so excited!
It looks like I will be the make up artist for this show up in Tulsa!
If all works out, I'll be there all three days in February.
Then, feeling inspired, I did my own make up hahaha.

Well, it was a lot of fun! Haha.
I hope everyone has some good news and oppurtunities coming into their life!
I'm pretty sure that sentence has lots of grammatical errors...hahaha
By the way, I'm watching E! News and I feel like Tim Tebow should ask me out, ok?
With all my love, Morgan