Friday, September 9, 2011

It's Time For....

Drum roll pleassseeee.........


Yeah, so I made it up. Haha.
One of my closest friends is getting married and in my excitement about being her maid of honor, I realized I really wanted to do her make up and hair! She is so low maintenance and laid back that I thought it would be the perfect chance to really let her gorgeous self shine through!

I just sent her a bunch of tips with things I suggested she do, and I thought to myself,
"Self, you should blog these!"
So here I am!

1. I don't really approve of tanning beds, especially since there are so many great faux tanning lotions out there...I'll talk about my fave later. However, if you're going to tan in a tanning bed, I suggest you start about 2-3 months before hand. Another good thing about self tanners? While they are a bit intimidating, they won't require you start that long before your wedding. Many don't even need to be put on every day!

2.  Also, dieting is a whole other issue I don't feel entirely comfortable discussing since I am not a doctor or nutritionist. I can suggest you start WAYYY before your wedding. Weight takes time to come off. Good ol' fashioned eating right and exercising 3-5 times a week should help. For any serious weight loss, you need to talk to someone qualified!!!

3. So you want to get your hair done, eh? Don't put off making the appointment if you have a busy hair dresser! (This goes for make up artists, too. I have a wedding already booked for March of 2012 already!) \
I suggest getting a trim about 2-4 weeks before your wedding. This just depends on how quick your hair grows. However, if you want highlights, I would go 2-3 weeks before. This way the color can "settle" and you'll adjust to it.

4. About a week or so before your wedding, get your eyebrows waxed, plucked, threaded, whatever you like. Go to someone you trust. My eyebrows are really light so I fill them in anyway, but someone with black eyebrows will have a hard time hiding half a missing brow!

5. Here's my pure opinion and you will find differing opinions. Personally, I like to "Nair" my legs really well about 4 days before an event (such as Prom) and then get a spray tan the next day. Some people like to get there's a week in advance, some only a day or two before. All can be right. If you're getting a spray tan, be sure to EXFOLIATE like crazy and do not touch your freshly sprayed skin!!! My friend got blotches on her collar bones from doing this and she was wearing a strapless dress that night!
So, you have big splotches and you want to remove it? Bust out the sugar and lemon juice my friend and get to scrubbing. I suggest exfoliating like crazy. Lemon is a natural bleaching agent and sugar feels a lot better in cuts than salt does. If it won't come off still, I suggest calling the salon you had it done at.


7. Don't start a new facial or skin care routine within a month of the wedding. Facials need to be done about two weeks before the wedding. Some people say just a week, but why risk it?

8. Keep up your exercising, but don't lose weight after you have your dress fitted! Hahah. If you are losing too much weight, I would suggest talking to a doctor about a diet change. You may need to eat more. Oh, Darn! Hahaha.

All right folks, these are my tips and I hope they are useful! If you have questions, comment or Feel free to go to my Facebook page (link below)

With all my love, Morgan


Lindsey Appelman said...

Ok im on my break from work and somehow ended up on your blog. I LOVE IT! You made my day. Im so excited to get off work and get back on here and read the rest of them. Thanks for makin my day Morgan! btw i think you have some shoes at payless to pick up? if not there is another girl with your name! :)

Morgan Black said...

Thank you, Lindsey, I'm glad you like it!!