Sunday, September 25, 2011

Eyebrow Obsession

Mine is in full swing. I didn't want to spend a lot of time on the computer today, so I thought I would just reiterate some eyebrow statements from last week! So here is a picture of me before I filled in my eyebrows. Now, I have a full face of make up on so that does make a difference.

So, it doesn't seem like a big deal until....

Eyebrows are so important, I can't stress it enough!

So keep them plucked and stray hair free folks!

Have a great Sunday and with all my love, Morgan

Thursday, September 22, 2011

So You Don't Like To Wear Make Up???

Well that's ok! Sometimes I don't want to wear make up! If I'm having a good skin day, I don't wanna put base and powder and blush all over it. And there ain't nothing wrong with that!

This subject came to mind when I was recently doing an old friend's make up for her photo shoot. I noticed she didn't wax her eyebrows and thought, "Wow, this girl is so stinkin' pretty, but if she would wax or pluck her eyebrows she would be a knock-out!" So I asked her about it and she said she didn't wanna keep up with it. Which, again, I can't really blame her. Some people aren't eyebrow obsessed like I am!

This got me to thinking though: If all women would do a few things they really wouldn't need much make up...and to the naturally stunning (we all hate you lol) they probably wouldn't need any! So here are my tips to looking beautiful completely (or almost completely lol) natural.

1. Wax them Cave Man brows! Haha. There is a really good video by Kandee Johnson and she tells you how to shape and pluck them by yourself. Click HERE for the video!! I wax my own, but it's because I'm not patient enough to pluck. Plucked brows usually do look better! I'm lucky that my eyebrows are like, clear, so I can fill them in however I want. But if you do have clear brows, you still need to pluck them! I promise you, eyebrows make all the live long difference. If you have a round baby-face, it can help you look more your age. If you have an angular face, it can help soften the sharp angles. If you're old, a well-trimmed brow can take years off your age. Also, I highly encourage filling in your eyebrows if they are "clear" or thin. But that's for a less natural look probably!

2. Clean yo skin! Get a good cleanser. You need to have a routine. Skin loves routines! Once you have picked out a good cleanser, you will probably need a toner and a moisturizer.

3. You must moisturize yo scaly face! Hahaha It should have an SPF of at least 15. Also, if you dislike your complexion, you can get a Tinted Moisturizer. They are really good for people looking to cover redness or just even out a complexion. If you have a lot of redness or rosacea, I think you can buy specialized moisturizers. In the meantime, use a green based cover up on them. Green and red are opposites on the color wheel, so they cancel each other out. There are also moisturizers that contain acne-fighting ingredients. I believe Benzoyl peroxide is a pretty popular one!
Also, you can make your own! If you have a base you like, but it's a little too thick for you, mix it with some facial lotion and slather that stuff on! It also helps your expensive base go a little farther.

4. So this isn't completely natural, but eyelashes are pretty important! If you just hate mascara, you can still curl your eyelashes. My friend, Becca, wasn't allowed to wear make up in junior high, but she still loved how awake her eyes looked when she curled her eyelashes!
You can also take the stage approach to men's (and sometimes women's) make up. Use a clear or brown mascara for a natural, yet defined and awake look!

5. This seems obvious, but brush your hair. Come on, people! Haha.

6. If you want a little color, I suggest a cream blush. They go on light and are easy to control, since you put it on with your fingers!

Ok, so I know I said this would be totally natural, but I couldn't help but talk about tinted moisturizer, cream blush and mascara!

Hope you guys enjoyed the tips and I hope everyone has a great rest of the day!
Make up free and loving it, with all my love, Morgan

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


...I never update this lol.

Sorry about that...but I think only one person reads my blog so I don't feel TOO bad! Lol

So, I've been really busy lately and I'm only getting busier. My little store has been picking up some business because of a sick sale we've been running and tomorrow we will be featured on channel KSBI's All About You OK52. And yes, that is a TV show you've probably never heard of! Lol. Anyway, I'm pretty excited because I'm doing my boss' hair and make up! Plus I get to be one of the models! Who knew, little short average sized me would ever model?? Hahaha.

My topic of the day would probably be about NOT bringing others down or acting like a know-it-all.
I'm really bad about this because I am a super critical person; of myself and others. This can be a little harsh to some people because I'm usually not meaning it to be rude, but to be constructive. I didn't realize I did this until my mom criticized a couple of things concerning me and it hurt my feelings! But I was like, "Well, I would probably say the exact same thing!"

This is something I'm still working on about myself, especially if I continue to pursue hair and make up. It's so easy to think, "Oh man, with some blush and way less eyeliner you would look great!" But you can't say those things unless someone asks. Just because you know something about make up and hair doesn't mean you should let everyone know.
Not that long ago this little girl came up to me all annoyed because my bangs "looked bad" to her. Well this flipping annoyed me because what does an 11 year old know?? So I told her exactly what I printed in bold in the previous paragraph.
But this can apply to everything in life! Just because you use Urban Decay eyeliner doesn't mean you know the best make up brands! Shoot, I've used some really good eyeliners I got for 99 cents at Target! Just because you got a 36 on your ACT doesn't mean you should tell everyone and act like to smartest person ever. Everyone still has something to learn. Although, if I got a 36, I'd want to tell everyone, too! Hahaha.
And even though I've been doing make up for a few years now doesn't mean I know it all. I still have so much to learn!

Thank you for reading and I hope your day is as beautiful as mine!
With all my love, Morgan

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Feeling Blue??

Well join the club! I am feeling a little sick and would greatly appreciate a nap! But alas, the store is open for an hour and a half more so I shall not nap, merely go to bed SUPER early.

Since I am feeling a little down, I decided to write a post about happy things.
Ok, that wording sounded ridiculous.
But you get the point!

Here are some things that usually make me happy:

1. Urban Decay Make Up. Something about those bright beautiful colors make me so happy! Here's the pallette I want REAAALLLYYY bad....

Isn't it beautiful??!!

2. Presents make me happy! I love to give presents and get them! Some people get embarassed when they are handed a gaudily wrapped prezzy but not me!!

3. Diet Dr. Pepper. Mainly from 7/11. Does a soul good.
That's an actual picture of me. With my dream Diet Dr. Pepper. Hahaha. By the way, the best snacks to eat with a Diet Dr. Pepper are Hot Cheetos and Sweetarts!!!

4. What is not making me happy is the radio station I'm supposed to listen to at work is playing "Bad Day."
You know the song. It's the original "Friday" by Rebecca Black.
It's pretty stinking annoying to me.
Good news is, the singer of "Bad Day" was a one hit wonder.
*Insert evil and slightly spiteful laugh here*

5. Watching romantic comedies. I usually have a good cry abou the sad sad state of my love life and then feel much better when I emerge from my self-pitying state!

Well, that's all for now!! Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow after a hot shower and a good night's sleep!

Hot cheetos and hot showers, With all my love, Morgan

Friday, September 9, 2011

It's Time For....

Drum roll pleassseeee.........


Yeah, so I made it up. Haha.
One of my closest friends is getting married and in my excitement about being her maid of honor, I realized I really wanted to do her make up and hair! She is so low maintenance and laid back that I thought it would be the perfect chance to really let her gorgeous self shine through!

I just sent her a bunch of tips with things I suggested she do, and I thought to myself,
"Self, you should blog these!"
So here I am!

1. I don't really approve of tanning beds, especially since there are so many great faux tanning lotions out there...I'll talk about my fave later. However, if you're going to tan in a tanning bed, I suggest you start about 2-3 months before hand. Another good thing about self tanners? While they are a bit intimidating, they won't require you start that long before your wedding. Many don't even need to be put on every day!

2.  Also, dieting is a whole other issue I don't feel entirely comfortable discussing since I am not a doctor or nutritionist. I can suggest you start WAYYY before your wedding. Weight takes time to come off. Good ol' fashioned eating right and exercising 3-5 times a week should help. For any serious weight loss, you need to talk to someone qualified!!!

3. So you want to get your hair done, eh? Don't put off making the appointment if you have a busy hair dresser! (This goes for make up artists, too. I have a wedding already booked for March of 2012 already!) \
I suggest getting a trim about 2-4 weeks before your wedding. This just depends on how quick your hair grows. However, if you want highlights, I would go 2-3 weeks before. This way the color can "settle" and you'll adjust to it.

4. About a week or so before your wedding, get your eyebrows waxed, plucked, threaded, whatever you like. Go to someone you trust. My eyebrows are really light so I fill them in anyway, but someone with black eyebrows will have a hard time hiding half a missing brow!

5. Here's my pure opinion and you will find differing opinions. Personally, I like to "Nair" my legs really well about 4 days before an event (such as Prom) and then get a spray tan the next day. Some people like to get there's a week in advance, some only a day or two before. All can be right. If you're getting a spray tan, be sure to EXFOLIATE like crazy and do not touch your freshly sprayed skin!!! My friend got blotches on her collar bones from doing this and she was wearing a strapless dress that night!
So, you have big splotches and you want to remove it? Bust out the sugar and lemon juice my friend and get to scrubbing. I suggest exfoliating like crazy. Lemon is a natural bleaching agent and sugar feels a lot better in cuts than salt does. If it won't come off still, I suggest calling the salon you had it done at.


7. Don't start a new facial or skin care routine within a month of the wedding. Facials need to be done about two weeks before the wedding. Some people say just a week, but why risk it?

8. Keep up your exercising, but don't lose weight after you have your dress fitted! Hahah. If you are losing too much weight, I would suggest talking to a doctor about a diet change. You may need to eat more. Oh, Darn! Hahaha.

All right folks, these are my tips and I hope they are useful! If you have questions, comment or Feel free to go to my Facebook page (link below)

With all my love, Morgan

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Here's The Low Down.

I need to vent for like, 2 seconds and I'll be back to the original subject of the day.

First of all, I am not stupid. I am by NO means brilliant, but when it comes to certain things, I know my stuff. For instance, I am quite familiar with certain historical subjects and I can make a "Plain Jane" look gorgeous. I am not stupid because of how I look or because I am a make up artist or a retail clerk. I am one of the few people I know that will graduate on time from Rose State, dang it, and I am sick of being treated like I'm a flippin' idiot. It is so frustrating.
Also, I figured out a few years ago that no one gives a crap about my opinion. That is why I never talk about Make Up or Hair or Fashion to anyone, because NO ONE WANTS TO HEAR IT! So I would appreciate if everyone will quit shoving their opinions down my throat. Just because you have an opinion on something doesn't mean it's right, and I frankly don't want to hear it.
I am often times made to be the friend who always has to listen to others' problems, but when something is going on with me no one cares. So I'll be the same way if you wanna treat me like a welcome mat.
I will probably end up deleting this, but when I graduated from high school, I didn't have a good reputation in Drama...I know I was the "Class B*tch." I decided I would be nice and sweet in college, but honestly I'm not seeing how it's helped any. I have to talk to people I don't like ALL THE FREAKIN' TIME now! I know it's part of growing up, but man I hate it.

So, to talk about beauty now! Haha. Bipolar post, I know.
I don't like when ladies say, "Oh, pink is NOT my color, I never wear it!" or "Insert hated color of choice."
I feel like all woman should wear whatever color they want, anytime! I know purple isn't really my best color. I'm pale, blue eyed and my hair is (not naturally lol) red. But I love purple, it's such a great color! Also, I know Stacy and Clinton from What Not to Wear would kill me for saying this, but I think people should wear what they feel good in! It's about having the confidence to rock something outrageous! And when you're confident, you're usually at your most beautiful.
However, there are some warnings. If you are 70 and decided to rock that leather mini and boustier (sp) you will probably get weird looks! If you are a young waitress who happens to carry around a lot of ones, as waitresses often do, and you wear thigh high leather boots with a five inch heel, you MAY get asked if you're a stripper. Hopefully just the high end kind, for athletes and governors though.
In conclusion, I want women to wear whatever the heck they want! Red heads: Wear red! Looks great with the hair! Brunettes: Rock purple like it's no one's business! Blondes: Wear Pink! Everyone LOVED Legally Blonde!
With all the color and love in my frustrated and confused little heart, Morgan