Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Want to be a Model?

Okay, I have had a lot of people ask me how MacKenzie was signed to Tabb Models.

I will start from the beginning, and give some tips on what to do and what NOT to do.

It all started when I was hired to work at a little family owned boutique called Fourth and White Oak. It was a brand spankin' new store when I was hired... I think it had been open for 2 days! Anyway, I had also made a business connection with a photographer who was also pretty new at the time. I thought it would be really cool if we did a photo shoot to show off the clothes and my bosses agreed. Long story short, we rounded up some of our friends, slapped some makeup on 'em and my photographer friend Brandon Burton showed up to shoot them. MacKenzie was one of our models and she loved it. She told me she wanted to model all the time, and I agreed to get her signed.

As my makeup career grew, so did my connections. This is where my advice comes in and you can take it or leave it. This is what worked for us.

1. I was very picky about who MacKenzie could shoot with. I have a certain "no shoot" list that are basically No-No's. Choose to be picky!

2. MacKenzie was 13 when this process began. She was 15 when we signed the contract. Be patient! If this is your passion, then don't give up. We had interviewed with another agency in the OKC area and they turned her down. If she had been 2 inches taller, they would've signed her right then and there. But it turned out okay because we love her agency now!

3. We tend to shoot with a certain type of photographer. Classy. Elegant. NOT creepy. If they seem creepy, they probably are. NEVER GO BY YOURSELF TO A SHOOT. This is so important! Especially in this business, you may meet up with a complete stranger in an area foreign to you. Bring mom, boyfriend, best friend, sister, anyone. If the photographer acts put out by this, then he/she may not be the best person to shoot with. Most male photographers want a witness at the shoot... It protects them, too!

4. Now, when looking to shoot with a photographer, look at their pictures. Have you found cheesy, weird or just plain bad photos in their portfolio? Then don't shoot with them. You don't want that crap in your portfolio!

5. You will need to have nice head shots and body shots taken. Natural, "no-makeup" look, body hugging clothing... People want to see those pictures and think, "Wow, she looks beautiful with no makeup!" You may need to hire a makeup artist for this. If you aren't good at your makeup, then find someone who is good.

6. Okay, to address the skeezy photos I see around Facebook all the time. Do you want to do porn? Do you want to be in Playboy? Does your dream involve nude modeling? No? THEN STOP TAKING NUDIE, SUGGESTIVE PHOTOS. That is all you will ever be contacted about!!! Even if being a Victoria's Secret model is your dream, don't do those kind of photos! Do you see Pam Anderson modeling for VS? No, you don't. (I mean, I get that she totally doesn't have that body type, but you get what I mean.)
Example: Karlie Kloss is a supermodel who did tons of classier shoots. She was in Teen Vogue for goodness' sake. She did her share of edgier stuff, but kept away from non-classy shoots. Now she models for Victoria's Secret. Just sayin'. If you want, take some boudoir pictures. But keep them classy. You know the difference when you see them.

7. Be persistent. This is the best advice I can give. It sounds cheesy, but just don't give up if this is truly what you want.

8. Don't harass the agency you are contacting though... That's just weird.

Again, this is just my advice based on my experience in this business; you can take it or leave it!
You can e-mail me with any questions you may have.


Good luck!

Follow me!
Facebook: Face On/Face Off Makeup by Morgan
Instagram: @morganmakeupartist
Twitter: @MorganBlackMUA

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

How To Be a Bride

How to Be a Bride

Prep List for the “Big Day.”

So you’re engaged… Congratulations! Your wedding day will not only be one of the most exciting days of your life, but it will also be the most photographed. To be glowing and ready on the big day, you will need to follow a few simple steps.

1.  You will need to contact your hair stylist and makeup artist as soon as possible. Most Hair and Makeup Artists are booked at least 6 months to a year in advance. Do your research. Ask for examples of their work. And for goodness’ sakes, hire a pro.

2. You will most likely do a test run of your hair and makeup. I personally like to do them about a month out. Let your makeup artist know if you plan on getting spray tanned, or will be tanning. This will most likely change your foundation color, so they will need to be prepared for any changes. 

3. Ask questions; don’t be afraid to ask for a couple different looks if you aren’t sure what you like best! If you don’t like something, please tell your hair stylist or makeup artist. It won’t hurt our feelings, I promise.

4.  If you are going to get a facial before the big day, you need to get it at least 1-2 weeks before the big day. A facial can cause redness, irritation, and sometimes your skin will get worse before it gets better. Give it time to heel up so you will be glowy on the big day. Also, go to a pro!

5. Eyebrows should be done about 3 days to a week before the big day. This allows time for the redness to die down, as well as any subsequent break-outs or shiny-ness. IF YOU ARE SPRAY TANNING: Ask your eyebrow lady and your spray tan artist when to get your eyebrows done! You don't want to wax off your spray tan!

6. Teeth bleaching should be done according to the directions on the package. Don’t try to use 20 Crest White strips in one day… It doesn’t work like that!

7. On the big day, you will need to eat and drink plenty of water. Most brides forget to do both and they end up feeling awful on their wedding day. Of course, you will need to brush your teeth, wash your face, take a shower, (Don’t wash your hair the day of unless your hairdresser says otherwise!!!!) and MOISTURIZE. This is so important to do, especially on your face. It creates a nice, smooth base for the foundation to sit on. Also, exfoliate your lips, and then apply lip balm.

8. Seriously though, follow your own personal hair dresser’s and makeup artist’s instructions for how they want your hair and face to look the day of. If they say, “Don’t wash your hair on the same day, please!” then wash your hair the night before. Trust us. If you hire a pro, they know what they are doing and wouldn’t let you look bad! 

These are my basic Bridal instructions… Even if you don’t hire a hair stylist or makeup artist, following these basic steps will help create a great foundation for your wedding day!

Good luck! 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Conversations with my Dad

What Are Your Goals?

Last night, I was sitting in the living room with my younger sister Madison and my Dad. 
Now, my Dad has always been one of the smartest people I know.
I mean, I'm pretty sure he is actually James Bond. 
His name is James Black...and I have no idea what he actually does for a living...
But anyway, Madison and I had been talking a lot about feeling restless in our lives.
I know she has her reasons that I won't share because it's not my place to say, but I have been feeling a restless in my heart and couldn't put my finger on it.
Then last night, I read a quote that read something like:

“It has been said that we need just three things in life: Something to do, Something to look forward to and someone to love.”

It hit me! I have been missing something to look forward to!
When I was in college, I was excited for Makeup School. 
Then I was excited for my license.
Now I have my Cosmetician license and I feel at a stand still.

When I told my Dad this, he asked if I had written down my goals and I said I hadn't. 
So he told me I need to think of the biggest goals I could and that everything I have aspired to and worked towards I have achieved. The only thing that holds me back is my own small goals. 

Well, this just about blew my mind!! 
So last night I wrote them down.
Some of them seem way too crazy, but it's like my dad said, 
"You need to aim big because even if you don't hit the target, you'll still do something great." 
Or it's like that kind of cheesy saying in all the classrooms I've ever been in.
"Aim for the moon because even if you miss, you'll land among the stars."

(I wish I had recorded my Dad because he is much more eloquent than I represented him!)

Here are some of my goals:
1. Work for a major modeling agency
2. Have my hair and makeup on a major magazine cover
3. Own a hair and makeup studio
4. Travel to every state
5. Run a 5K
6. Pay off my student loans
7. Do makeup for New York Fashion Week
8. Be a speaker at the IMAT's.
9. Own a home out right
10. Pay cash for a car
11. Be financially able to just work as a hair/MUA within the year 
12. Participate in a pageant.

Some of these are scary for me to share, but I think it is a good thing to put them out there, for accountability's sake!
I'd love to know some of your goals, too!

All my love, Morgan

Monday, January 14, 2013

It's Been a Long Time

Since I posted last and a lot has changed!
 I went back and read my last post to see where I left off.
I will try to sum it up for you:

1. I graduated from Rose State with an A.A. of History. 

2. I went to Italy for 2 weeks with my sister. I was ridiculously sick the first 4 days (pretty much the whole time I was in Rome!) and also didn't sleep more than 12 hours over a 9 day period, so I have been dubbed the worst travel partner EVER. With good reason though... I accept my title! Ha ha.

3. I started attending Clary Sage College's Cosmetician Program starting back in September. It is a 20 week program, and I am in the middle of my 18th week back in school. It is probably the best decision I have ever made. I will talk more about my experiences there later though! 

(Some of my work and such from Clary Sage!)

4. After a year long effort to help my sister MacKenzie break into the modeling business, she has entered into negotiations with Tabb Models and will sign a contract with them very soon. I am not only ridiculously proud of her, but I am also relieved! I did a lot of work booking shoots, contacting and arranging meetings with agencies, etc. I loved it, but I am so glad she has an industry expert representing her now! 

(Model: MacKenzie....Photo: Kenn Perry....MUA/H: Me, Morgan Black)

5. I was nominated for OKC's Makeup Artist of the Year, too! Which was pretty dang exciting!

(My models at the RAW SemiFinals Show!)

This blog is entitled, "Morgan Turns Twenty" but I am Twenty-One now! And I will be turning 22 this year. My twenties so far have been like a mental puberty, I guess. That is the best way I can describe it! 
In the past, I had felt like I must be doing something wrong because my friends were getting married and having babies or pursuing their Bachelors' Degree. 
I'm just in a different place in life than them! And Gosh dang it, I am young. Marriage and Babies and Degrees can wait while I pursue my dreams and goals and career ambitions. 
That is what is right for me, Morgan Black, but it could be different for you.
That is what your twenties are all about!

You can bet I have had a stressful, but amazing 2012. And I can't wait for 2013. 
I can't promise I will update everyday, or even every week!
But blogging will be a priority again.
Writing is like a therapy, a prayer, for me and I have missed it!
With all my love, Morgan

Facebook: www.facebook.com/faceonfaceoff 
Twitter: @MorganBlackMUA
Instagram: morganmakeupartist

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Favorite Thursdays

I've been so busy lately, with wedding season and lots of other shoots, that it has been difficult to write anything! Even my article for BBP Magazine was last minute.
I'm not proud of that either!
I wanted to talk about some of my favorite things...and some of my not so favorite things haha.

This week, I had a TF (time-for, basically means unpaid) shoot with a photographer I had never worked for before. We'll call him Phil. He offered to do a TF shoot with me sometime, if I ever wanted to. Well, I did have a shoot in mind! Now, I can't tell you all the things he said because it will give away who this photog is. I don't want to ruin his rep, I just wanted to tell a story.
So after he was rude to one of my models, he continued to do rude things throughout the shoot, but not before he told me to hold his sunglasses.
I do not mind helping every once in a while, especially if asked nicely, but he shoved his glasses at me and then proceeded to be so rude that I cut the shoot short.
You may be thinking, "Well, sheesh, Morgan, what's the point of this story?"
Well, while we were walking around, a part of his sunglasses must've fallen off!! Hahaha
I promise I didn't break them!
Let's just say he can no longer wear them! Hahahaha!
That was my favorite part of the whole shoot.
Thus, making it the favorite moment of the week so far.

My other favorites include:
-My sparkly star ring I got at a Buck Jewelry
-Pinteresting for shoot ideas
-Nice Photographers!!
-This really cool bronzer from Stila- Click here for Bronzer's link!
-Planning my move to a whole new city for Cosmetician school (EEEK!!!)
-Designing the matching tattoo with my sister that we'll probably never get! haha
-Hello Kitty anything!
Image: Google

-Feeling very content and restless at the same time
-Almost having your diploma!!
-The Red Dirt Daughters (http://www.reddirtdaughters.com/)

My not-favorites include:
-Wearing black and having your dog's hair stick to it!
-Pinteresting and coming across porn-ish images. Really, people?!
-RUDE Photogs.
-Looking a little TOO tan from over-bronzing haha
-Paying for the move to a new city...GULP
-Trying to eat healthier...I miss you, Toaster Strudels...
-Second day mascara that insists on clumping.
-Feeling so restless! I will be glad for some traveling next month.

So this is my week so far!
With all my love, Morgan

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Oh, Italy, I am so pumped to meet you!
Well, I shouldn't get ahead of myself.
I still have a little less than 2 months before I board my flight to Italy, never to return again!
Ok, just kidding, I'll be back in 2 weeks haha.
It looks like we will be seeing Naples, Pompeii, Rome, Venice, Florence, the Amalfi Coast...Oh, I am so excited.
(This is the Amalfi Coast)

The reason for my seemingly pointless bragging about this fabulous trip??
I was thinking about it, and this trip is like everything in life:
If you want something bad enough, you'll work your hiney off to do it.
I found out about a yeart ago that Matt was being stationed at Aviano Air Base in Northern Italy. Immediately, I knew I had to go!
It has not been easy to afford this trip.
I was in school full-time, working at the boutique, subbing and trying to build my own brand as a makeup artist.
I come from a family of hard-workers, but I would definitely say that I am not even close to being the hardest working one.
My point is, I KNEW Italy was a once-in-a-lifetime trip!
If I didn't work hard to save up, I might never get another chance.
It's like with my business: I want clients, so I'm persistant about e-mailing business contacts and even doing some TF work just to spread my name.
I'd bet money that every successful person out there would say the same thing: You have to work hard to get what you want.
I'm sorry for this kind of peppy sounding post...I know I've been down lately, but I've just been pretty happy and I'm even more so happy that all this hard work is about to pay off!

With all my love, Morgan

Friday, May 25, 2012

I was sitting here at work, feeling sorry for myself, because things don't really feel like they're going anywhere.
I feel very much like a stagnant being, and I find myself unsatisfied and, ok, more than a little pathetic.
Here I am, in this summer where nothing will change.
Not that it won't be worth it:
I will be going to Italy and then coming home and starting esthetician school.
It will be a new part of my life!
I guess I am just impatient for it.
I think I've been counting on my trip to Italy to change me.
There are a lot of things I expected from it that I wouldn't put online.
I know, I know, I said I'd be honest!
But some things are too embarrassing for even me to admit.
I guess I thought I would be a different person: more adventurous, happier...
You get the gist.
I am starting to realize that nothing I do on the outside, like traveling, changing my hair color, getting new clothes, whatever, will make much of a difference.
I need to accept that Italy and all that this trip represents to me is just that:
A trip that I am lucky to go on.
I have to change myself from the inside to ever feel complete.
Sometimes I feel like I shouldn't go to God about this, but that's exactly who I need to turn to when I feel down and out.

On a much lighter note, I would like to list out why today is going to be an awesome day:

1. I have leftover pizza for lunch...which is pretty much my favorite type of pizza! haha

2. I have a photo shoot with BRC Photography. Benita, the owner/photographer is so wonderfully talented. I really enjoy working with her and seeing her vision come together.

3. I really like my hair today. Ok, that's super shallow haha, but I'm growing it out and I don't always like it!!

4. I am going to get through today, this work shift, the shoot, the drive home, and I'm going to go to bed and tomorrow will be a new day.

With all my love, Morgan