Monday, January 14, 2013

It's Been a Long Time

Since I posted last and a lot has changed!
 I went back and read my last post to see where I left off.
I will try to sum it up for you:

1. I graduated from Rose State with an A.A. of History. 

2. I went to Italy for 2 weeks with my sister. I was ridiculously sick the first 4 days (pretty much the whole time I was in Rome!) and also didn't sleep more than 12 hours over a 9 day period, so I have been dubbed the worst travel partner EVER. With good reason though... I accept my title! Ha ha.

3. I started attending Clary Sage College's Cosmetician Program starting back in September. It is a 20 week program, and I am in the middle of my 18th week back in school. It is probably the best decision I have ever made. I will talk more about my experiences there later though! 

(Some of my work and such from Clary Sage!)

4. After a year long effort to help my sister MacKenzie break into the modeling business, she has entered into negotiations with Tabb Models and will sign a contract with them very soon. I am not only ridiculously proud of her, but I am also relieved! I did a lot of work booking shoots, contacting and arranging meetings with agencies, etc. I loved it, but I am so glad she has an industry expert representing her now! 

(Model: MacKenzie....Photo: Kenn Perry....MUA/H: Me, Morgan Black)

5. I was nominated for OKC's Makeup Artist of the Year, too! Which was pretty dang exciting!

(My models at the RAW SemiFinals Show!)

This blog is entitled, "Morgan Turns Twenty" but I am Twenty-One now! And I will be turning 22 this year. My twenties so far have been like a mental puberty, I guess. That is the best way I can describe it! 
In the past, I had felt like I must be doing something wrong because my friends were getting married and having babies or pursuing their Bachelors' Degree. 
I'm just in a different place in life than them! And Gosh dang it, I am young. Marriage and Babies and Degrees can wait while I pursue my dreams and goals and career ambitions. 
That is what is right for me, Morgan Black, but it could be different for you.
That is what your twenties are all about!

You can bet I have had a stressful, but amazing 2012. And I can't wait for 2013. 
I can't promise I will update everyday, or even every week!
But blogging will be a priority again.
Writing is like a therapy, a prayer, for me and I have missed it!
With all my love, Morgan

Twitter: @MorganBlackMUA
Instagram: morganmakeupartist